Rijksweg15A,B-2880 Bornem, Belgium +32-(0)3-8890737 sirayanv@hotmail.com


High-end services


Pleasant cooperation


Making Partners Stronger


                       HOME COMPANY

SIRAYA N.V. is an integrated company capable of R&D, production and marketing.
We have our own office building in Bornem city, where we have a concentration of outstanding scientific researchers,Responsible for the research of auto parts and other products.
In Belgium, we have 2 commercial operation centers responsible for the sales and promotion of our products.In Europe, we have set up 6 operating centers for medical supplies and machinery in the European market.
We also have our own production bases and sales promotion centers in Asia and Australia.
Our products have been used in more than 20 countries.
The production and manufacture of higher quality products is the goal of our company,
We have achieved excellent results in the research and development and production of automobile maintenance equipment, auto parts, auto maintenance supplies, etc. The advanced and sophisticated equipment of each production base ensures that we provide high quality products.

All products sold by the company provide lifetime service